Behind the scences at a motorcycle endurance race.
True bike nuts, like me, also enjoy ‘behind the scenes’ images and stories. For racers, family, friends, and pit crew, “behind-the-scenes” is where races are won and lost.
In racing, nothing is un-important. Without ever type of spare part on hand, a ‘simple’ failure of an exhaust bracket will elminate any hope of finishing the endurance race.

Pit lane official keeping an eye on the Schwemmer/Ashmead team during refueling. discuss everything race related.
The ‘fast dump’ fuel can is clearly marked so that fuel consumption can be tracked during the endurance race. Strict rules require a team member hold a fire extinguisher ready for instant discharge.

Paul Schwemmer into the hotpit at the end of his first stint in the endurance race.

John Ashmead resting between stints in the endurance race.

There are some people in this world that have jobs which we hope they never have to do.

Large fire extinguishers are placed periodically along the pits.
Dunlop tire company keeps notes and discusses tire performance and wear with the endurance teams.
A pit road official talking with a crew chief during the endurance race.

Former racer Marc Conti now an official with CCS

Early afternoon sunlight casts long shadows on the steep banking of Nascar turn 1 at the speedway.

Amateur racer Chris Hair leaving “the international horseshoe”